“Sugar and Secrets”- Thoughts on Unconditional Love, with an Excerpt from “Glimpses…Now I Can See”

Feelings of truth and dedication can come to us when we think of a few beautiful relationships we have had in our lives. For some of us, the companionship provides unconditional love which binds us forever. And…I speak here of friendships with special beings–of animals with whom we bond. These creatures give freely to us. They may be dogs or cats or  other furry-critters. Andy, Chloe, Eager-Tigger, Mon Amie, Peanuts, Popcorn, Punkin’, and Sasha-Two-Bears =  The list can go beyond counting. They love without question. They become confidants. One striking fellow I came to know had tall, shaggy, brown-tipped ears into which I whispered my dreams, my hopes. His name was Skeeter.

The following is but a small excerpt from a story of unconditional love, “Sugar and Secrets” found in “Glimpses…Now I Can See.”


“I can still feel Skeeter’s head on my shoulder and the touch of his shaggy ears and see the love in those deep brown eyes. Ah-h, the secrets he kept for me. I know one day my friend will come running and braying to me–and Skeeter and I shall again share sugar and secrets.”

Do read the complete story in my book, “Glimpses…Now I Can See” available from me (eroberts975@comcast.net), from Abbott Press, from Amazon, from bookstores.


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